Sunday, February 5, 2012


Bonjour à Cannes!
This is what you see right when you leave the airport in Nice.

Well, believe it or not I have made it to Cannes. We've been here for basically three days, and I don't have much to tell you because we've mostly been unpacking and wandering around the city jetlagged and tired. I took my French placement test this morning, and I'm sure I failed the oral examination because the guy started to talk to me about the Oscars in French and A) I don't know the vocabulary (but I did learn scenario is screenplay and director is realisateur) and B) He didn't agree with my Oscar picks and was mad that I didn't know of any modern French directors. He can go fuck himself. I told him I didn't think the guy from The Artist should win best actor. He was mad. I told him I agreed it should win Best Picture though, which isn't necessarily true. I didn't love it! I didn't love the Artist! I'M SORRY EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD! It was good, but here is my opinion, and you are always welcome to disagree-- it's Singing in the Rain, but not even nearly as good. It felt too long. I didn't empathize with the characters. I thought it was boring. I'm sorry. Deal with it.

Anyway, if you want to hear me bitch about the Oscars, that's a whole other deal, but you're here to read about my adventures in France, so let me show you pictures of my dorm room. We're room 100. Or as you say in French, cent. Which is what we tell people when they ask for our room, and thusly why it's the title of this post. It's a triple, and we're special because we have a balcony. The last picture is the view out of the window on the afternoon it snowed.


More to come as we explore Cannes further today!
Yesterday I forgot my camera, so yeah. I won't today.


  1. your room looks so much nicer than mine!! gahhh

  2. We actually have one of the nicest rooms if not the nicest room in the whole school, so it is not a good representation of it overall...
