Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No One Wants to See Ghostrider 2 With Me & Other Dumb Stuff

When you start a class yelling out, "J'ADORE NICOLAS CAGE!" you know it's going to be very educational.

Here are some things I learned in French class today:

- A skinned rabbit looks the same as a skinned cat, which, according to my french teacher, is why a lot of young people don't want to eat them.

- "Lacoste" MEANS alligator. That's why it's the logo. I have no idea how I didn't know that.

- Eating turtles is gross.

- French people don't know what Funfetti cake is. And they don't understand why it exists once you explain. "C'est une chose pour les enfants?" "C'EST POUR TOUT LE MONDE!"

- The origin of pineapple upside-down cake, as told by Claude (our teacher) and Claire:

Claude: Je raconter l'histoire de la gastronomie française et tu me parles de 'pineapple upside-down cake'?? I'm telling you the story of French gastronomy and you're talking to me about pineapple upside-down cake??
Claire: Des ananas! Pineapples!
Claude: Non! Il n'y a pas d'ananas en France. No, there are no pineapples in France.
Claire: Pour quoi? Why?
Claude: (gesturing angrily out the window) PAR-CE QUE IL FAIT FROID!! BECAUSE IT'S COLD!!

We have a test on Tuesday. On words relating to making arguments and stating facts. All I'm going to remember is the words for different cuts of meat, and also that "clé" means key, because Claude thinks it's hilarious to make a kid named Clay open the door with the "clé" every morning, because he is just so full of clever wordplay. We have begun speaking french with American accents during class to piss him off. He in turn makes fun of everything else about us and makes racist jokes and asks us to tell him what the titles for certain movies are in English. We told him "La Taupe" was "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy." He said we were retarded.

So much learniinnngggg....

I am feeling less sick, but my throat hurts from coughing and phlegm. In the good way though, when you know you're on the mend. I have been drinking beaucoup de the avec du miel (and also eating the sugar cubes, because I am a secretly a pony) and speaking Franglish amongst my peers (some of whom have been diagnosed with strep and bronchitis. Wash your hands.) The cover of the newspaper today was talking about this "grippe epidemic" that has taken over France, so apparently it's not just people at the College. On the plus side it has gotten warmer, and today was beautiful and is supposed to stay beautiful over the weekend. Of course this means I shall head to Glasgow tomorrow to be amongst the freezing and overcast.

Wish me luck!! I shall need it.

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