Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Doctor's Office Adventure

So. I've had another adventure along the lines of the Hair Dye Adventure. (See, I've stopped traveling for a while, so now you get to hear fun stories of my majestical daily life in Cannes.)

Right when I got back from Amsterdam 4 weeks ago I got hit with another nasty, nasty illness. Once again, the extensive exposure to public transportation and lack of soap at the hostel did me in, and I was out hard for like a week. Since then, I have still been blowing my nose. After the first week of illness, I felt better but it was just my sinuses, and I let it be because I figured my body was just getting everything out. Spring break--I'm still blowing my nose like crazy, but I feel fine. Allergies, I decide. I get back to Cannes this week and I'm like, oh, I'll be fine. IT'S THURSDAY AND THIS IS STILL HAPPENING. In my frustration and general shitty-feelingness I decided to go see our Resident Director, Saint Sandrine to see if I could make an appointment with the nurse, because this was just getting ridiculous.

The nurse at the College is a short woman with red hair and big coke-bottle glasses and is all types of crazy. She promptly informed me and Sandrine that it was probably allergies. Or I had an infection. But the usual doctor that comes to the College wouldn't be getting back until Monday, so Sandrine made me an appointment with the doctor across the street (which is apparently a thing). After class at around 6:30pm tonight Sandrine (who was also coughing and sneezing and sniffling) took me to the doctor across the street. The doctor has a little suite in a building next to the pharmacy which has both a doctor chair and a desk, and was a total sweetheart. Sandrine had to translate for me, but the woman basically asked my symptoms, pushed on my face, and essentially informed me that I definitely had a sinus infection. The cold followed by the allergies had caused/aggravated it, so she prescribed me antibiotics (pills and also little packets of powder you dissolve in water). The funny thing next is that she looks at Sandrine and is like, "You're sick too!!" And Sandrine is like, no no I'm not...unless..can you develop new allergies when you're old? And the doctor taught Sandrine about allergies and prescribed HER some medication, and we went to the pharmacy together and picked up our stuff. How cute. Once we got back I thanked Sandrine profusely, and she was like, "No, actually, thank you, because otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone to the doctor and would have to keep suffering!" And I said I hoped she'd feel better and went to go have dinner/take my first round of meds.

So another victory here in the world of Cannes. I have successfully procured medical care for myself and medication. Yayy. OH! And the best part is...the powder packets are called "MUCOMYST" as if that wasn't literally THE GROSSEST SHIT EVER.

But yeah! There you go. Survived my first visit to a French doctor. Hallelujah.

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